Reba McEntire《Just a Little Love》[APE]

shan007 2024-05-07 19:58:50 18




When our check bounces at the store

And the whole world seems at war

You bring me peace of mind once more

With just a little love

When the boss says i'm ten minutes late

And the stack of bills just won't wait

Ooo, you take the worries away

With just a little love


Just a little love

And affection

You bring a touch of perfection

To a world that's sometimes crazy

And so mixed up

Just a little love

You have changed me

You make me see why the good lord made me

And you can do miracles

With just a little love

When our old car won't run

And all my dreams come undone

You'll make it right won't ya hun

With just a little love

When it seems like all the truths are gone

When i'm trying so hard to hold on

You make it easy to be strong

With just a little love

Repeat chorus

Just a Little Love - Reba McEntire

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